%%%% MAKE scr@tch.let \beginfile{scr@tch.let % letter content \boxmore[10pt]{\hbox{\vbox{% BOX FOR BORDERLINE \parindent=0pt \blockparas \bigskip\bigskip Dear \paras, \bigskip This part is typically the letter content. Since we are using a scratch file for our main body of our letter, the letter can be arbitrarily long, in comparsion to using {\tt \string\beginletter and {\tt \string\endletter mechanism. Using a scratch file enables us to keep everything inside one single file so that it won’t be mixed up with other letters. \medskip The idea of scratch file can also be applied to creating the address file, so that the address file can be read for the form letters in the first time and for mailing labels in the second time. These features are the purpose of this particular example. \medskip Thanks for using {\tt formlett.sty. % END OF BOX FOR BORDERLINE \vfill\eject \endfile %%%% MAKE scr@tch.adr \beginfile{scr@tch.adr % address file \beginlinemode \tt<name> address line one address line two \tt<NAME> ADDRESS LINE ONE ADDRESS LINE TWO \endlinemode \endfile %%% MAIN PROCESSING BODY \hsize=5in \initlabels{{ % Above line is put here for being % able to run this file under either TeX or LaTeX. % It may be deleted for TeX. It may also be replaced % under LaTeX by \documentstyle{article \begin{article % for instance \inputletter{scr@tch.let \inputfile{scr@tch.adr % for form letters \beginlabels \inputfile{scr@tch.adr % for labels \endlabels \end{document EndOfExample1 % above is password \beginfile{example2.tex% % Example2: EXAMPLE for self-read % under plain TeX or LaTeX \input formlett \hsize=3.2in % for plain TeX \initlabels[]{{\textwidth=3.2in % for LaTeX % MY LOGO \catcode‘\1=1\relax \def\UNE{{\vbadness=10000 \hbadness=10000 \hfuzz=\maxdimen \vfuzz=\maxdimen \font\tiny=cmr5 \font\small=cmr7 \def\today{\number\day\space\ifcase\month\or January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi\space\number\year% \def\make@temp@box{\csname newbox\endcsname \temp@box\relax}% \ifx\temp@box\undefined \def\next{\make@temp@box\else\def\next{\fi\next \font\HUGE=cmss10 at 24.87999pt \noindent \setbox\temp@box=\hbox{\vbox to 0pt{\hbox{\HUGE U\hskip6pt N\hskip6pt E% \def\buffdim{65pt%\wd\temp@box 61.588pt \rlap{\copy\temp@box% \rlap{\hskip.4pt\copy\temp@box% \rlap{\hskip.8pt\copy\temp@box% \rlap{\hskip1.2pt\copy\temp@box% \rlap{\hskip1.6pt\copy\temp@box% \rlap{\hskip2pt\copy\temp@box% \rlap{\hskip2.4pt\copy\temp@box% \rlap{\hskip2.8pt\copy\temp@box% \rlap{\hskip6pt\copy\temp@box% \rlap{\lower23pt \hbox to \buffdim{\tiny \hskip3pt The University Of% \rlap{\lower25pt \hbox{\hskip2pt \hbox to \buffdim{\vrule width \buffdim depth .2pt% \rlap{\lower32pt \hbox to \buffdim{\small \hskip3pt NEW ENGLAND% \setbox\temp@box=\hbox{\vbox{\let\noindent=\hfill \font\small=cmss8 \baselineskip=8pt %plus 0.5pt minus 0.5pt \small \parskip=0pt \noindent Department of Mathematics, Statistics\par \noindent ~~~~and Computing Science\par \noindent University of New England\par \noindent Armidale NSW 2351, Australia\par \medskip \noindent Email: ~zhuhan@neumann.une.edu.au\par \noindent Tel: ~(INT-) 61- 67- 73 3154 \par \noindent Fax: ~(INT-) 61- 67- 73 3312 \par \medskip\bigskip \noindent \tt\today% \rlap{\lower3.0cm \hbox{\box\temp@box% \par\catcode‘\1=2\relax \beginletter \paranames % optional \tt<<FULL NAME>>;% \tt<<ADDRESS-etc>>;% +\tt<<GIVEN NAME>>;% \tt<<MISSING ITEM>>;% \tt<<PHONE NUMBER>>! \loaddefaultparas % optional \NOPAGENUMBERS\parindent=0pt\overfullrule=0pt \UNE \par\bigskip\bigskip\bigskip \noindent{\it\paras[1]\par \blockparas[2]\par\bigskip Dear \paras[1][2],\par\medskip We have been looking for \paras[2][2] for quite a while without any luck, could you help us out? If so, please ring \paras[3][2]. \par\medskip Cheers!\hfill Zhuhan\vfill\eject \endletter \preview \showparas \eject % \eject here is purely for better labels \paradefaults % optional To whom this may concern +Sir or Madam;something;% 061-225-9905! \blockmarks \beginblockmode Mrs L Stenson \#1-20 Sunset Street Hillside, Norway —— separate groups Louise a Bible 220-8888 ========= separate cluster ...... force entry next line Above empty line active \endblockmode comment ignored \defaultmarks \moreletter S Wales,;% \addressbox[2in][1em]{University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, This is a long address line: it will be wrapped up automatically. +;a \TeX\ package \gstr\ manual and many more (\cstr)! \beginlinemode S Pan UNE, Arimdale T Ribbons UMIST, Manchester \endlinemode \beginpilemode C Anderson;42nd Street;USA+Christine;your service invoice! D Holmes;Flat \#2, Finneybank Rd;London+David;the tax receipt;% 071-902 7799! \endpilemode \begindatamode{3 % strictly 3 lines for one letter data-#1 data-#2 data-#3 data-#4 data-#5 \enddatamode \ifISLATEX \firstread{\global\textwidth=6in \else \firstread{\hsize=6in\fi % make labels double columns \labelsquit{ \end{document % redundant \endfile \message{Now go and TeX or LaTeX <example1.tex> and <example2.tex>% \end{document %ENDDOCUMENT

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